Fire Safety Self Assessment Kit
Public Assessment Module

IMPORTANT : This checklist is a tool for members of the public to assess the fire safety of buildings within a given school complex and get instant feedback so as to enhance safety of the users of the buildings. The checklist comprises three main sections i.e. Particulars and location of the learning institution, the Overview of the school buildings, and the appraisal of the individual buildings.

School Details

Location Details

Building Details

Maintenance activities carried out in the last 5 years (Tick all that apply)


Directional Signs include (Tick all that apply)

Staircases (Tick all that apply)

Provision for persons with special needs

The following PWD provisions are in place (Tick all that apply)

For storeyed buildings, please specify the level/floor where the provision is found


7. Power Supply and lighting, & 8. Lightning Protection

9). Fire Fighting



10). Security & 11). Water Supply

12). Sanitary facilities & 13). Doors & Windows / Building Materials